Thursday 19 July 2007

Just call me Elsie Donovan

One of the strange by-products of writing a blog is that I feel the need to comment on everything.

In my pre-blog life I could passively read the Letters to the Editor in The West without so much as a grunt. The bigoted rants of Elsie Donovan from Bedford and the lunatic limericks from Gerry Cohen of Carine merely made me think, "Don't they have something better to do in their geriatric years?"

A homophobic spit would be enough to rouse Kate into writing in on the odd occasion. I've always appreciated her efforts, but never enough to join in myself... until now.

My first Letter to the Editor was published today in The West and I'm a wee bit more pleased than I expected to be. They even left in my witless pun about irony which is ironic in itself.

So to Raymond E. Smith, thanks for the racist drivel you sent in to The West and I'm looking forward to our next bloodless spar.


Dave said...

I just read your letter, well done! (By the way I work with Kate in case you're wondering who this completely random person is) I got my first letter published in the West the other day and it is supremely satisfying to see that they publish comments that make sense as well as the other dribble that some geriatrics see fit to write in with...

my name is kate said...

Hey Judd (um and Dave). I usually avoid Letters to the Editor when I can because it enrages me but I just read yours and kudos.

The first time I ever had a letter published (Um it was about the time of the Tampa, I believe) I got a letter a week later from some random woman who said it was lovely to see "the young people of today" had their hearts in the right place. That sort of sentiment is enough to motivate more writing, when I think about it.

It's easy enough to avoid reading the letters for far of falling into a rage spiral but it does remind other readers there are some non-psycho WA-ers out there...

Here endeth the public service announcement.

Judda said...

Grazie, grazie!

I suspect The West publishes drivel purely to grind our gears, and I took the bait hook, line and sinker.

It also gives the haters a chance to overuse terms like "do-gooders" and "bleeding-hearts."